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Highlander's Daring Escape (Scottish Medieval Highlander Romance) Read online

Page 14

  Bryan was lost in these thoughts as time passed, and he grew ever more melancholy with each passing moment. Occasionally he looked up in the hope that something would present itself, even the unlikely event of the roof cracking open entered his mind, but it did not occur.

  Then, at some unspecified point, he heard a patter of footsteps and pushed himself into a sitting position, just in case it was Nathaniel coming to laud his victory over Bryan again. But no, the footsteps were too light. They were the footsteps of a woman and Bryan’s heart leapt as he imagined it to be Catherine. She had found a way to come and find him, perhaps even to free him. He rose, his knees shaking, and stood up, peering into the darkness as the womanly figure came into view. A smile appeared on his face.

  “Catherine,” he whispered, his voice cracked and rasping.

  “No, it’s Betsy.”

  Bryan’s hopes fell, but he was glad of the company all the same, and as Betsy walked into the dungeon he saw her come into view.

  “Oh my word, Catherine would be horrified to see you like this,” Betsy said.

  “Where…where is she?” he asked.

  “I only have a few moments. Catherine is working on a plan to free you. She will come to you tonight, and you must be ready. She’s not going to let you die. You’re a fortunate man Bryan, it’s not just anyone who could win her heart.”

  Betsy looked as though she was about to say something else, but then a noise startled her. She hissed at Bryan, reminding him to stay alert, before she scampered away. Bryan called out to her, wishing that she could have stayed for a little longer, just so he could enjoy the company of another person. But at least he knew Catherine was risking everything to save him. As he sank back to the cold stone floor he had a smile on his face, because she was going to help him, putting herself in danger, and he had won her heart.

  Perhaps all this is worth it, he thought, perhaps for the sake of love I can endure anything. And now all he had to do was wait.


  The rest of the day was frantic for Catherine. As soon as she heard that Lord Ralls was arriving earlier than expected she sought out Betsy and told her to get a message to Bryan, using her influence with the guard to get a moment with him. When Betsy returned, she confirmed that she had indeed managed to see Bryan, and when she described the state of him to Catherine, the young English maiden’s heart broke at the thought of his plight, and her resolve to free him became even stronger. But now that the plan was actually in motion her mind was fraught with anxiety about all that could go wrong.

  “Tonight you must find a way to get me the keys to the dungeon. I have to get in there myself and free him so that we can escape together,” Catherine commanded. Betsy nodded firmly. Catherine knew Betsy would not fail her.

  For the rest of the day Catherine had to put on graceful airs and pretend that she was excited, although thankfully she could pass her nerves off as being a result of meeting her betrothed. Uncle Nathaniel taunted her about the event that was going to take place the following day, and all Catherine could do was smile politely and act as though she had been defeated, when really she wanted to yell at him out of spite and tell him that he wasn’t nearly as smart as he thought he was. The only thing that annoyed her was that she wouldn’t get to see the look on his face when he realized he had been outsmarted by his niece, who he thought was just a silly little girl.

  Thankfully she was able to use the banquet as an excuse to stay out of sight, taking her time in picking out her dress for the evening and bathing to prepare herself for Lord Ralls. She chose a pale blue dress that clung to her figure and wrapped around her narrow waist, while also thinking about the future as well, for the night in the forest would be cold, and she needed an outfit that would keep her warm and comfortable as she and Bryan fled through the night. She also picked out a shawl to wear and wrapped it around her back, and allowed her hair to cascade down her shoulders in soft ringlets. She never usually wore much jewelry but, thinking of the future, she wore enough so that if they needed to she could sell them for food and shelter. Her footwear was the only issue though, as she couldn’t go traipsing around the forests of the Highlands in her dainty white shoes.

  She decided that she would ask Betsy to fetch her a pair of boots and leave them near the stables, for she didn’t own any footwear that would be appropriate for the adventure ahead. A sudden bout of anxiety hit her as she wondered if she was really prepared for what awaited, but even if she had been afraid of running away, her conscience would never have allowed it. Bryan’s life was on the line, and even if Lord Ralls was handsome she wouldn’t have forsaken Bryan.

  The day had passed quickly and soon enough she heard the clatter of a carriage arriving outside. Looking out of the window, she saw her father and uncle walking out to meet them.

  Catherine composed herself as she was called downstairs and presented to Lord Ralls. All eyes were on her and she felt the weight of their gazes and scrutiny, afraid that someone might see what she was holding within her heart and alert the guards, preventing her from escaping. She had had years of training as a Lady though, and relied on this background to hold herself with poise as she gracefully walked through the hall towards Lord Ralls.

  The hall was bristling with energy as everyone was excited; to everyone else this was a tremendously exciting occasion and a part of Catherine felt guilty for not sharing in the joy and celebration. They were all here for her, and she was going to turn her back on them and reject their notion of a happy ending.

  Catherine prevented herself from wincing when she met Lord Ralls. Perhaps in his youth he had been handsome, but now he was a portly man whose flesh had grown to envelop his features. His eyes were like two beads set in his face, his lips were puffy, and his skin had a shade of red. Upon every finger there was a ring with a different gem, and his clothes were made of the finest material money could buy. His outfit was garish, and seemed designed to flaunt his wealth and position. He was certainly a man who caught the attention of everyone in the room, but Catherine thought not in a good way, and certainly not when he spoke, for his voice was high-pitched and reedy, a stark contrast to the deep rumbling brogue of the Highlander that had made her queasy at the knees.

  “Ah me betrothed, how wonderful to finally meet you and I see tales of your beauty have not been exaggerated. You shall most definitely suit life in London with all its glamour, and I’m sure not even time will make your beauty fade,” he said, bowing down to kiss her hand. His hands were clammy, and she almost pulled her hand away as his wet lips lingered upon her flesh for a little longer than she would have liked. Catherine smiled politely and curtsied, but pretended to be too shy to say anything in return.

  Lord Ralls seemed to be in good spirits and he clapped his hands, eager to get the banquet underway, and everyone was happy to oblige him. The band struck up a merry tune and people took to dancing in the middle of the hall, kicking up their heels and moving around in harmony with each other. Food was brought out in different courses and the smell of cooked meat filled the hall. A soft wave of chatter drifted up and all the voices merged into one, but Catherine was only part of one conversation. She had to remain beside Lord Ralls, her father, and uncle, and listen to tales of Lord Ralls’ prowess in the political arena. His stories about how he had swindled men out of money and took advantage of loopholes in the law to advance his own position seemed to intrigue and delight Thomas and Nathaniel, but Catherine couldn’t think of anything more boring.

  There were a few times when her façade slipped and her father nudged her, reminding her to present herself as a lovely and interesting bride. She asked a few pointed questions, but every time she did so Lord Ralls looked at her with confusion, as though he was astounded that she might even be able to think for herself! When he answered her, he did so with a patronizing tone and immediately turned his attention back to the men. It seemed as though Catherine was simply supposed to sit there and look pretty.

  Was this what her life was going
to be? Lord Ralls had no interest in learning about her as a person, and it was clear he didn’t want a partner in life as he didn’t see her as his equal. At one point she did ask Lord Ralls if she would ever be allowed to join him in his day to day life. Lord Ralls looked at her as though she were joking, and then burst out laughing.

  “If you wish to be bored my dear! I’m sure such matters wouldn’t interest a pretty little thing like you. Something I learned a long time ago was that a woman is either blessed with beauty or brains, and you have the former in abundance. No my dear, your days shall be spent in my household with our eventual children, but our nights, ah, now there’s a different story!” His eyes twinkled lasciviously and he reached over, his hand touching her knee. She withdrew and felt uneasy at the way he looked at her. Just the thought of those clammy hands touching her, those puffy lips kissing her, the bloated body crushing her turned her stomach.

  “I’m afraid I’m getting too far ahead of myself. I’ve always considered patience to be one of my virtues, but it seems as though around you I forget every virtue I have,” he said, and threw back his head in a squeaky laugh. Catherine placed her hands on her lap and was glad that her father was present. At least he wouldn’t let this man put his hands on her, not until she was his wife, and that would never happen.

  “All in good time,” Nathaniel said, and he shot Catherine a look that let her know he had chosen Lord Ralls especially for her, especially to give her this kind of torment. Resentment burned inside her that he could hate his own flesh and blood that much to see her married to this bloated, greasy whale of a man. The only consolation Catherine had was that she had a plan to escape, and her only regret was that she wouldn’t get to see Nathaniel’s face when he realized that she had outsmarted him.

  “Are you looking forward to the little event we’ve arranged for you tomorrow?” Nathaniel asked in a placid tone, his gaze shifting to Lord Ralls. Lord Ralls brought his mug to his lips and wine sloshed over the edge, trickling down his chin and chest, but he didn’t seem to mind. His eyes were bleary and his gaze passed over the dancing crowd. A little pink tongue rolled over his lips and he seemed to be enjoying the sight of all the pretty maidens dancing, which didn’t fill Catherine with confidence that he would be a faithful husband, and she pitied any woman who ever had the misfortune of coming into contact with him.

  “Oh yes, very much so. These people need to be taught a lesson and it’s good that you have such a strong sense of discipline up here. There are many enemies on the continent and we’ll need strong men to help defend the crown,” Lord Ralls said.

  “And of course we’ll be more than happy to supply such men, as long as our efforts are noticed. Sometimes it does seem that we are so far removed from all the influential people and we are often neglected when it comes to matters of national importance,” Nathaniel said.

  “I’m sure we can rectify that mistake. I agree that for too long we have been too far apart. It’s important that the North and the South are brought together.” As he said this, Lord Ralls’ gaze fell upon Catherine and there was a hungry look in them, and she hated that he was likely undressing her in his mind. She swallowed the lump in her throat and knew that she could tolerate this no longer. Outside the moon had risen and darkness had descended upon the land. Hours had passed, but the hall was still filled with people, and when she glimpsed Betsy standing in the corner she knew her moment had come.

  “If you’ll excuse me gentlemen, I think I shall allow you to talk more about politics while I go and refresh myself.” She curtsied to her father and Lord Ralls, but made a point of not making any gesture towards her uncle.

  Catherine stopped herself from hurrying over to Betsy, not wanting to draw attention to herself, but had relief on her face when she reached her closest friend.

  “That was the worst thing I have ever endured. I don’t know how I would ever survive being married to that man,” she said.

  “Thank goodness you won’t have to,” Betsy replied, and clasped Catherine’s hands. As she did so, Betsy placed the key to the dungeon and Bryan’s chains into her hand, and Catherine smiled. However, at the same time she was filled with sadness at the sense that she would likely never see Betsy again, no matter how great and pure their intentions were to one day find each other. The Highlands were a wild, unpredictable place and there was no telling where she and Bryan might end up.

  “Timothy is going to be very angry when he realizes what I’ve done.”

  “Do you think he’ll tell my father?” Catherine’s eyes flashed with worry.

  “No, he won’t want to risk incurring Nathaniel’s wrath. I think I can persuade him that this was the right decision.”

  “Take care of yourself Betsy. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me. I’m going to miss you more than I’d miss life itself,” Catherine said. Tears began to well in her eyes. The two girls hugged briefly, held each other tightly, and no words seemed to be enough to convey the depth of emotion Catherine felt for her, but they knew, deep in their hearts. Catherine nodded and sniffed back her tears.

  “Good luck Catherine, if anything happens here I’ll try to keep them distracted,” Betsy said. Catherine took one last look at her friend and then she left the hall, hardening her heart to sorrow. She could feel that later, when she had the luxury of indulging her emotions. There was only one thing on her mind now—getting to Bryan.

  Catherine’s face was set in a determined expression as she left the building and was met with the cool fresh air of the night. Stars twinkled above and the moon hung like a lantern, casting a silvery glow across the world. Torches and lanterns had been placed at regular intervals, lighting the courtyard, and thankfully it was mostly deserted due to the banquet. The servants were all busy tending to the needs of the nobility, and the guests of the banquet were mostly still inside. There were a few people who had wandered out into the night, but they were inevitably wrapped up in their own thoughts; most of them were couples who were sneaking away for some clandestine excitement.

  Catherine’s heart beat rapidly in her chest as she thought about the path that awaited her. This was really happening! She was about to free Bryan and flee to the Highlands, to leave everything she knew behind in the hope of finding something better, something where she didn’t have to serve her uncle’s agenda. The fear of the unknown rose within her, but she quelled it and steeled herself against any negative feelings. She had to be strong, not only for her own sake, but for Bryan’s as well, and she would never be able to live with herself if she failed and she had to see Nathaniel’s smug look one more time.

  She first made her way to the stables and gave Stephen a nod. His face was tense, but he returned the gesture and began to prepare a horse. This is where Catherine changed into the boots she had gotten ready, which were far more comfortable than her beautiful shoes. Stephen was the only one in the stable at the moment and she was glad that he didn’t show any second thought. Before she left, Catherine returned to where Bryan had stashed his sword and picked it up, getting used to the strain it placed on her shoulders as she carried it away. Stephen arched an eyebrow when he saw her with it, but he didn’t say anything.

  She made her way across the courtyard, glancing around furtively in case anyone was near, as the sight of her with a sword was going to be highly incongruous and would raise suspicion. She was so close now she didn’t want to risk anything getting in the way of the plan. Her throat ran dry and sweat prickled on her skin as she hurried across the courtyard, and she was for once thankful that the dungeons had been placed so far away from the main house.

  As she approached, she heard the voices of the guards and was dismayed that they were still alert. She had hoped that they would be negligent in their duties since it was late and no eyes were upon them, but her hopes had been dashed. She slowed her pace and held the sword behind her, hiding it from view. The darkness helped her be stealthy, although she could not hide her approach, and they stood at attention when they saw her

  “Lady Browne,” they said, nodding sharply.

  “Please gentlemen, be at ease with yourself. There is no need to stand on such ceremony with me. I am here to tell you that you may leave this place and enjoy some rest. There is no sense for you to be standing out here in the cold while everyone else on the estate gets to enjoy themselves. Since it is my last night here I am making it an official order that everyone gets to enjoy themselves, you included.”

  The guards looked at each other. One of them seemed happier than the other about it, but it was the stern-faced one who seemed to have the authority.

  “I’m afraid we can’t do that Ma’am. We appreciate your offer, but we have our strict orders from your uncle. We aren’t to leave this man alone.”

  “Even though he is chained and likely drained of all his strength? What could possibly happen to him? He is unlikely to escape. It seems silly for the two of you to stand here guarding a man who cannot break free of his chains,” Catherine said.

  “She has a point,” the younger, more relaxed guard said. The older guard fixed his expression and glared at the younger man.

  “We have our orders, and we must do our duty. Your uncle would be displeased otherwise. Thank you for the kindness, but we take plenty of joy in our duty, so much so in fact that I don’t believe either of us would be able to enjoy our evening.”


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