Highlander's Daring Escape (Scottish Medieval Highlander Romance) Page 8
The door opened and he heard a giggle, and then a sigh as Catherine entered. He took a chance and pulled the curtain aside, peeking out, and his breath was caught in his throat. She was even more beautiful here than in his memory. Her hair was radiant and she had an elegant, easy grace about her. Her arms were pale and slender, her hands delicate and smooth. Her red hair flowed down in tresses to the small of her back; she was everything he wanted and more.
Suddenly he became very self-conscious and aware that he was doing a very strange thing, and that the longer he stood behind the curtain staring at her the stranger it would seem. He had come this far and now he had no idea how to proceed. He had spent so long longing to find her that he hadn’t paid any attention to what might happen when he found her. It was so absurd that he almost burst into laughter, but he didn’t, for there was a grave feeling in his mind that things might not turn out for the best. After all, should she raise the alarm he would be found by her Uncle Nathaniel and been thrown in the dungeons, so he had to ask himself if she was really worth the risk.
The answer came to him instantly, and he stepped out from behind the curtain.
“Excuse me lass, but I think I’m a wee bit lost,” he said. Catherine turned round and gasped, dropping the brush she was holding to the floor.
At dinner Nathaniel and Thomas were in jubilant moods, but Catherine was somber. She tried to be happy about the marriage and told herself that she was going to get to see new places and have a family of her own, but the whole affair seemed hollow. It was happening without any say from her, and she hated how she was just supposed to go along with whatever her father and uncle wanted without any input for her. It didn’t matter if she disagreed with their choice because they’d only say that it was for the good of the family, and although she wanted to do her best for the sake of them, she felt as though she couldn’t fully speak her mind, so she nodded and smiled and pretended that she was as happy about the wedding as the two men.
She thought there might be something wrong with her because a wedding should have been exciting. It’s what she had been born to do after all, but the only thing that made her smile was the thought of the secret meeting with the Highland man. She told herself that she had to stop thinking about him though. She was going to be a married woman, and it wouldn’t do to have secret thoughts about a stranger.
As she passed the paintings of her mother, Catherine wished that she could ask her mother questions and receive the benefits of her wisdom. There were so many things she didn’t understand, and although she was old enough to be married, she knew there were certain things that she wasn’t ready for yet. How was she supposed to be a wife and a mother when she wasn’t sure she fully understood herself?
Eventually there was nothing Catherine could do but tell herself that she was being silly. She wasn’t the first woman to go through this after all, and all the others had managed to come through alright, including her mother. She would get used to it and eventually it would all come naturally to her, especially with Betsy’s help. And she still had a few days yet to prepare for James’ arrival. She thought that perhaps if she thought of herself as a good wife she would begin to feel more excited, so she decided to pick out an outfit to wear when she met him.
She went inside her chambers and settled at the dresser, looking through her jewelry to pick out what she was going to wear. She began to brush her hair until it was silky smooth, but then she was disturbed by movement behind her.
“Excuse me lass, but I think I’m a wee bit lost,” a familiar voice said. She gasped and was so startled that she dropped the hairbrush to the floor. She turned around and there he was, the Highlander, standing in her chambers! She raised her hands to her mouth and her eyes went wide. How? Why? What was happening? Was she dreaming? She stepped back in shock and hit the dresser. It rocked against the wall and she gasped again, for that noise startled her too.
The Highlander held up his hands.
“I’m sorry for startling ye like that lass, I just dinnae ken how tae approach ye. There are more guards here than in a prison,” he said, and smirked. Catherine could tell there was a nervous undercurrent to his voice though, and his eyes were trembling with fear.
“What are you doing here?” she whispered, keeping her voice low so that nobody passing outside would hear her. And now it was her turn to feel scared. While she had been apart from him it had been easy to build up the moment they shared as a grand romantic encounter, but she knew nothing about him other than that he had wounded her uncle. Had he trailed her all this way for revenge? Was she even safe with him? She could scream, perhaps she should have, but something held her back. Something inside told her that she should give him a chance…
The man bowed his head. Bryan Pressley. That was his name. Bryan. It sounded nice in her head.
“I…I just hae tae see ye again. After we met, I hae nae been able tae stop thinking about ye. I know it sounds silly, but I…I hae nowhere else tae gae and I thought why nae come tae see her and speak with her for just a little while. I just wanted tae see ye again really,” he said. Under his beard she could see his cheeks blush. Despite his ruggedness there was a sweetness to him as well, something she found entirely surprising and endearing. There was a moment of silence that passed between them.
“You mean you came all this way just to see me?” she gasped, finding it incomprehensible that someone would have traveled so far just for her. Bryan nodded, and again looked a little ashamed. “You dear, sweet, kind man.” Catherine was overwhelmed by the gesture and couldn’t believe that somebody would go to such lengths after one brief meeting with her. The more she thought about it the more she realized how much risk he had taken to sneak into her home and make it to her chambers. He could have been captured or killed. To think that somebody would have taken that risk just to see her…it was wonderful.
They stared at each other for a few moments but the silence wasn’t awkward or uncomfortable at all. They gazed at each other, drinking in the sight of the other and getting more familiar with each others’ presence. She was so close to him she could touch him, yet something held her back, a slight twinge of fear. Then she remembered that he was responsible for hurting her uncle. Whatever her feelings for this man were, he was dangerous, and yet she didn’t feel threatened by him at all. But, before she could ask him any questions, she heard scampering footsteps by the door and then Betsy’s distinctive knock.
Bryan’s eyes went wide with panic and Catherine wondered whether to hide him or not, but she shared everything with Betsy.
“It’s okay,” she whispered, and placed a hand on his arm to reassure him. She rose and opened the door, welcoming Betsy in. Betsy was in a world of her own and it took her a few moments to register that Bryan was sitting there. She gazed at him and Catherine in wonder. Catherine made the introduction and Bryan bowed politely.
“You can’t tell anyone,” Catherine warned. Betsy pouted, but nodded in understanding. “Now help Bryan get out of here without being seen,” she said, and then turned to Bryan. “I’ll come and find you,” she gripped his hands. There were calloused and rough and huge, and yet when he clasped her hands they were tender as well, and a thrill swept through her body. She wanted to spend more time with him, but alone, and without the danger of them being interrupted.
She sank onto the bed, excitement throbbing inside her, and a part of her thought that she should have been this excited about meeting her husband, not about reuniting with a mysterious Highlander. She felt as though she was getting herself into trouble, but she couldn’t stop herself. When she went to sleep that night she was calmer than usual, and she knew it was because he was close by. But if her uncle should find out…she paled at the thought of what Nathaniel would do to Bryan, but it only made her more attracted to the Highlander. He had come here at great risk all to see her, and he couldn’t have known that she would have welcomed him with happiness. She couldn’t imagine what had possessed the man to come al
l this way just for her, but she was glad he did, and she was eager to see him again.
Bryan was ushered out of the house by Betsy, who showed him a better way to move through the house. She also knew all the movements of the guards and the other servants, and they avoided everything. Betsy giggled and asked him if he was the mute that everyone had been talking about. Bryan nodded, a little embarrassed.
“I could nae risk them hearing my accent,” he hissed.
“I can understand that. So you came all this way to see Catherine?” she asked. Bryan nodded. Betsy tilted her head and looked as though she was about to say something, but at the last moment she stopped herself, touched Bryan lightly on the arm, and then wished him good luck. Bryan returned to his quarters and slipped into bed. The rest of the servants were already sleeping, for they had to rise early every day. Bryan couldn’t sleep though. His heart was filled with excitement and he continually rubbed his hands together, tracing the parts where she had touched him. Her hands were so delicate and smooth. Her skin was as soft as silk, and being in her presence had been electric. Her voice was soothing and her eyes were beautiful. He could have sat there and gazed at her for hours, perhaps days without saying anything, and there was a powerful urge simmering inside him to touch her more, to feel her lithe body pressing against him, to taste her soft sweet lips and trace the light dusting of freckles to see how far down her body they went.
He moved around in bed, uncomfortable because of the way his body reacted to his thoughts of her, and he breathed heavily as he remembered the way she smelled so sweet, how her green eyes had twinkled, and how she had been so happy to see him. He wasn’t sure what he had expected, but he had barely dared to dream she would be so excited to see him again. He wore a wide smile all through the night, and his dreams were happy ones.
When he awoke in the morning he was in a good mood and did his work with great vigor, more than usual. He tried not to let his gaze drift towards the house anymore than usual, but now knowing that she was sleeping in her chambers, and that he had been in there the previous night, was thrilling to him. He had the urge to leave and walked around to look up at her balcony and hopefully steal a glimpse of her, but there was no opportunity to leave. She had told him that she would find him, so all he could do was wait.
“You’re in a good mood this morning,” Stephen said, sidling up to him. Bryan grinned and pointed to the stables around him, indicating that he was simply enjoying the work. Stephen wasn’t fooled so easily though. “I saw you slip away at dinner last night. I know that not many people noticed because you’re a quiet one, but you’re not invisible,” he said quietly. Bryan’s smile fell from his face and his heart sank. Stephen seemed a good sort, but Bryan barely knew the man and didn’t know what he would do if he found out Bryan’s secret. Stephen sidled up even closer and lowered his voice to barely a whisper.
“Look, I know that it’s easy to get carried away here, but just between you and me, it's better to not get involved with anyone. Elsa doesn’t like it, and if she catches you, you’ll be thrown out faster than a stray cat. I know it’s tempting because a lot of the serving girls are pretty, but you have to think of yourself, and some of them are mixed up with guards so it’s not worth the hassle.”
Bryan breathed a sigh of relief. The man only thought that he had been dallying with another servant. Bryan nodded solemnly, and Stephen patted him on the back.
“It’s okay, you won’t have been the first man to fall into that trap.”
They worked hard through the morning and Bryan took a private moment to check that his sword was still there. The longer time went on the more confident he was in his hiding place, but he still wanted to check it regularly just in case. That was a part of him that he couldn’t leave behind.
In the middle of the morning there was a cough, which was Stephen’s signal that someone important was coming and they had to look busy. Fear slashed down Bryan’s heart as he suspected it was Elsa, and that somehow she had found out he had been creeping through the house, but he was pleased to see it was Catherine. He stopped what he was doing at once and gazed at her with a stupid look on his face.
“Lady Catherine, it’s a pleasure to see you,” Stephen said.
“And you Stephen, how are the horses today?” Catherine said, gazing surreptitiously at Bryan.
“They’re very well thank you, ready and raring to go.”
“I don’t want to travel very far today, just a little trot around the garden. I was also hoping for a quiet day and, well, to be perfectly frank, do you think your new mute could lead my horse?”
“Of course,” Stephen said, and gestured to Bryan. As Stephen made the introductions Catherine wore a mischievous smile, and Bryan could barely stop himself from bursting with laughter. He was glad when Stephen walked away and he and Catherine could giggle a little.
Bryan helped Catherine up onto the back of the horse, pressing his hands against her narrow waist and the small of her back. The tips of her hair brushed against his hands and he felt his heart race. He took the reins and led the horse towards the gardens. Catherine greeted everyone with a smile and a wave, treating everyone from the most basic servant to the highest guard with the same level of respect and affection, and it was easy to see how the household had such a high opinion of her. She was every inch a noble lady and Bryan was dismayed for a moment at how different they were. He was a man without anything, and she was a girl born to be a lady, meant to rule over a household and be someone of importance. This was her world.
They had to keep up the pretence until they were out of earshot of anyone else, and this happened when they reached the gardens. There was a winding path framed by all manner of bushes and flowers, and the horse trotted at a gentle place. Bryan and Catherine smiled at each other. From her vantage point she could see over the tall bushes and could make sure that nobody was going to disturb their presence. They walked further along and eventually came to a long archway that had vines growing all around it. This offered a secluded, shaded space, and the way the sun beamed through the vines gave the area a green glow. Catherine slid off the horse and led Bryan to a nearby bench, where they could sit and talk together. They tied the horse up to one of the poles that made the archway, and because they were sitting in the middle they had a good view of either end, meaning that if anyone did approach them Bryan and Catherine would be able to see them well before they were in earshot.
“I could barely sleep last night thinking of you,” Catherine said.
“I was the same lass.”
Catherine smiled at the sound of his voice. “When I heard there was a mute servant I never imagined that it was you.”
“It was the only way,” Bryan said, displaying his English accent. Catherine winced and laughed, and agreed that indeed it was the only way. They gazed at each other, mystified again.
“Bryan, you could have been captured or killed by being here, especially by sneaking into my chambers. I’m flattered really, and nobody has ever gone to these lengths for me before, but why?”
Bryan sighed. Could he tell her about the way his heart had surged with love from the moment he had met her? Could he tell her that his thoughts had been on her and only her every minute since that fateful day? Could he tell her that he had nothing else in his life?
“When I saw ye something changed inside me. I cannae explain it really, but I felt this…this pull towards ye, like ye were different. And my da always said tae gae after what ye want and live with nae regrets.”
“That’s a good philosophy. It must be wonderful to just leave and go after anything you want. But I have to ask…what happened with my uncle? Were those people your family?”
A dark shadow fell over Bryan’s face. “Nay, but they were good tae me. Hamish needed help on the farm, but on the day we met your uncle came tae collect money from Hamish. But he wanted more. I caught him with Janie, trying tae force himself upon her, so I stopped him and wounded him. He set his guard
s after me and I had tae flee.”
“I’m sorry for that.”
“I know he’s ye uncle, but he’s a cruel man.”
Catherine sighed and her shoulders slumped. “Unfortunately, yes, but that does explain his anger and frustration. We went back to that family and he demanded more things from them. He was in such a rage. I thought he was going to tear their house apart. Perhaps he would have if I hadn’t have persuaded him to return home.”
“They’re good people. They dinnae deserve this.”
“I don’t understand though. I thought Uncle Nathaniel was merely going to collect some tax.”
Bryan snorted. “It is nae that simple lass. The farms dinnae hae any way tae defend themselves, sae ye English uncle declared that they hae tae pae him money sae that they will be defended.”
“I don’t see any problem with that. Surely it’s a good thing that they’re kept safe?”
“Oh aye, but the only thing threatening them is ye uncle. He’s taking money from them, and if they dinnae pay he’ll destroy their farm.”
Catherine’s face paled at hearing this. She was a sheltered girl and knew little of the realities of life, Bryan suspected.
“If there is anything ye can dae tae stop him…” Bryan said.
“I wish there was,” Catherine said, but then she gulped. “But I am not going to be staying here for very long.”
Tension hung in the air. Bryan had heard about Catherine’s impending marriage of course, but before it had been something vague, just a hint of gossip between servants. Hearing it confirmed from her own mouth was an entirely different matter.
“My husband shall be here in a few days,” Catherine said, “and I shall return to his home in London…to my new home. It will be some time before I come here again.”